Tyndall National Institute
Tyndall is a leading European research centre in integrated ICT (Information and Communications Technology) materials, devices and systems. It is one of Ireland’s five National Labs, specialising in both electronics and photonics. Tyndall works with industry and academia to transform research into products in its core market areas of electronics, communications, energy, health, agri-tech & the environment. With a network of over 200 industry partners and customers worldwide, they are focused on delivering human and economic impact from excellence in research. A research flagship of University College Cork, Tyndall is home to a research community of 600 people of 52 nationalities.
LEITAT is a private, non-profit technological centre of excellence. Its mission is to manage technologies to create and transfer sustainable social, environmental, economic, and industrial value to businesses and organisations using research and technological processes. The Environmental Technologies Area, within the Circular Economy Department, focuses on the integral management and treatment of water/wastewater, among other fields. Several technologies for water reuse are in the portfolio of capacities.
LEITAT will lead the WP4 leveraging on the high experience and expertise gained through EU Projects and 14 national projects in the field of environmental technologies, as coordinator (4 of them), WP leader, partner, or subcontractor related to innovative water treatment technologies. LEITAT also will bring in knowledge on water treatment technologies (Advanced Oxidation Processes and Nature-Based Solutions), and soil biodiversity and management to the consortium.
Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities.
University of Galway
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque – Italy (CNR-IRSA)
CNR-IRSA was established in 1968 to develop scientific and technological research and to transfer knowledge to governamental institutions, environmental agencies, and industries.
The main research lines concern: Functioning and responses of aquatic ecosystems to anthropogenic impacts; Fate and effect of pollutants; Treatment of urban and industrial wastewater; Management of sludge and solid waste; Recovery of contaminated sites; Sustainable management of water resources; Interactions between groundwater and surface water..
National Observatory of Athens
The National Observatory of Athens (NOA), a leading public research institution, plays a signifcant role in advancing research across a wide range of fields, including Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications, Environmental Science, Energy, Meteorology, Seismology, and Geodynamics, both at the European and international levels. The BEYOND Center for Earth Observation Research and Satellite Remote Sensing, an operational unit within NOA’s Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS), actively engages in national and EU-funded research projects. BEYOND has earned a strong reputation for its expertise in Earth Observation-based environmental monitoring, disaster risk reduction, and providing cross-sector research and services in key areas of economic development, such as Agri-food sector, Renewable Energy, Health, and Cultural Heritage. By leveranging cutting-edge satellite data, BEYOND delivers innovative research, services, and applications across a broad range of sectors.
Planetek Italia S.r.l.
Planetek Italia is an Italian Benefit Company established in 1994, which employs 120+ women and men, passionate and skilled in Geoinformatics, Earth science, and Space solutions. We provide solutions to exploit the value of geospatial data through all phases of data life cycle from acquisition, storage, management up to analysis and sharing. We operate in many application areas ranging from including environmental and land monitoring, smart cities, engineering, energy, utilities, defense and security, as well as Space exploration and EO satellite missions.
University of Western Macedonia - Telecommunication Networks and Advanced Services (TELNAS) Laboratory
The University of Western Macedonia is located in Greece and runs 7 Schools and 22 Departments. The Telecommunication Networks and Advanced Services (TELNAS) Laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering covers research and teaching needs in the field of telecommunications networks, computer networks and next generation networks and services, for bringing intelligence, adaptation and cognition in networks and services, as well as to enable accurate knowledge extraction and personalized information provisioning, supporting informed decision making and offering promising solutions in various domains. More specifically, on the development of algorithms, methods, systems and applications for bringing intelligence, adaptation, personalization and cognition in networks and services, multi-criteria / multi-objective optimization and advanced decision support systems, machine learning techniques, predictive analytics and diagnosis mechanisms, and decision-making systems to enable accurate knowledge extraction and personalized information provisioning, offering promising solutions in various domains (e.g., smart cities, energy, water, agriculture, livestock, environment, health).
WINGS ICT Solutions
WINGS ICT Solutions provides complete integrated, intelligent digital (software, hardware) solutions and transformation for vertical business sectors; Environment (air quality, natural disasters), Utilities and Infrastructures (energy/water/gas, transportation, construction), Production & Manufacturing (food, factories/logistics), Service Sectors (health, education/culture, government, security/defense), as well as Smart Cities.
In order to achieve these results, WINGS exploits advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud technologies, Telecommunication Networks (4G, 5G, WiFi, Lora, etc.), advanced visualization techniques (Augmented / Virtual / Extended Reality (AR / VR / XR), mobile applications, etc.) aiming to provide extremely reliable solutions that help businesses improve their decision-making processes, expand their knowledge through detailed forecasting and predictive analytics, increase their efficiency and in the end, focusing on customer satisfaction.
Sysman Progetti & Servizi
Bluleaf (https://www.bluleaf.it/) is a web-based software application designed and developed by Sysman Progetti & Servizi to provide advanced solutions in the field of digital agriculture. Bluleaf can be defined as a DSS (Decision Support System) and FMIS (Farm Management Information System), designed to support field, farm and food-chain management, based on the integration of several technologies and data sources.
Omega Innovations
Omega Innovations, is a start up specializing in innovative, intelligent solutions for smart technology integration in systems and services. At Omega we apply cutting edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Networks (5G & Beyond, LPWAN), Machine Learning (ML) and Data Science to optimize processes, in order to enable seamless information flow, and improve collaboration and interoperability.
Consorzio di Gestione di Torre Guaceto
The Consorzio di Gestione di Torre Guaceto was established in December 2000 by the municipalities of Brindisi and Carovigno, along with the Italian Association for WWF for Nature Onlus. The consortium’s primary goal is to manage the protected area, both terrestrial and marine, known as “Torre Guaceto,” which was established by a decree from the Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Protection on February 4, 2000. The consortium aims to conserve the ecological, floral, faunal, hydrogeomorphological, and naturalistic characteristics of the area. It also focuses on managing ecosystems in a way that integrates human and natural environments, safeguarding anthropological, archaeological, historical, and architectural values, as well as traditional agro-silvo-pastoral activities. Additionally, the consortium promotes environmental education and scientific research programs. The consortium has implemented the EMAS (Eco-Management Audit Scheme) to improve effectiveness of managing the protected area, increase visibility in sustainable tourism, and promote conservation of environmental and cultural heritage.
Acquedotto Pugliese (otherwise known as AQP) is the largest Italian publicly-owned water and sanitation utility, managing the integrated water services in the whole territory of the Puglia region (250 municipalities), along with 10 municipalities in the neighboring Campania Region. Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A. ensures the supply of the Integrated Water Service to about 4 million inhabitants; it maintains about 20,000 km of water network and about 13,000 km of drainage network. It also manages 5 drinking water plants and 189 wastewater treatment plants and 6 of them are used for refining water.The company is fully owned by the Region Puglia. A team of 2,300 qualified professionals takes care of the water and sanitation services of the communities, which are served with passion and responsibility.
The headquarter of AQP is in city of Bari in one of the oldest buildings of the town.
The company is also committed in a Sustainability Plan.
Water Europe
Water Europe (WE) is the recognized voice and promotor of water-related innovation, research, and technology development in Europe. WE is a purpose-driven multi-stakeholder association with over 250 members, representing the entire range of actors in the innovative water ecosystem. WE was established by the European Commission as a European Technology Platform. WE is guided in all its activities by its Water Vision with the ultimate ambition of achieving a Water-Smart Society.
CSEM is a public-private, non-profit Swiss technology innovation center. CSEM enables competitiveness through innovation by developing and transferring world-class technologies for the industrial sector.